Thursday, July 11, 2013

Harvesting Candy onions and Cylindrica beets

I looked at the radar this morning about 8 and saw a big thunderstorm about a half hour away, so I drank a quick cup of coffee and headed out to the garden.
The onion tops began flopping over last  week, a sign they were getting ready for dormancy and harvest. Last night, just before dark, I gently loosened them with a pitchfork and then pulled  and laid them out on the bed.  Theses onions are a new (to my garden) variety called Candy, a sweet  'day neutral' onion, which means it grows equally well in the South and North.
I am really happy with Candy-- the onion seedlings I got in February grew into massive round globes, and produced by far the best yield I've ever gotten from either sets or seedlings.
Here's a picture of the onions laid out in the bed:

This morning I loaded the onions into the wheelbarrow, and headed to the beet patch. The Cylindrica beets are a new variety for me this year, and though they did not make as many greens as some varieties, the strangely shaped (like squat carrots) roots yielded well and prep easily for cooking.
Here's the wheelbarrow loaded for a run to the garage -- besides the onions and beets I picked three cups of Heritage raspberries and some Burgundy bush beans.
Sol stole beans out of the wheelbarrow when my back was turned picking berries-- that dog does love his legumes.

And here's a close up of a Cylindrica beet:

I got the wheelbarrow into the garage, and laid out the onions to dry on a tarp-- and then the skies let loose.  It's been a very wet summer, but I'm learning to roll with it.