Friday, September 27, 2013

A season of flower bouquets

Before I was a kitchen gardener I was a flower grower, and the many beds of tough perennial flowers that still fill my yard supply me with vases full of color and scent from April until frost.
They are not 'arrangements' -- I rarely spend more than 30 seconds stuffing them into water on the dining room table, but they do remind me that gardens feel the soul as well as the stomach.

Heres a selection, in seasonal order:

This  next one is special - it is from this week, and these are the flowers of my delicious Sunchokes!
Vegetable and flower garden combined in one plant.

And there are more to come-- In October there are Asters and single chrysanthemums. I hope I'm not too busy to pick a bunch and take the time to sit and enjoy them.