Wednesday, October 12, 2011

October 12 harvest

I picked the last of my Hungarian wax peppers today.  Because of the spell of unseasonably hot weather last week (84! one day) they produced a bonus October crop of very hot peppers, some of which we'll use fresh, some of which I'll pickle. 
 Limas are still coming too, and I found some older pods that had dried on the vine that I will save for planting next season.  Some of the seeds dried, then sprouted in the pods (  thinking it was spring already, I guess) and others were clearly moldy, but a dozen of so look clean and healthy enough to save. 
I was lazy about thinning the 'Icicle' radishes, so many did not form good roots. Except for one, which was about eight inches long! The 'Bright Lights' chard is still going, and I'll be using it in a stir fry tonight.

 Sol waited for me to shell some Limas and feed them to him..... really, he's not spoiled.
 The kitchen garden this morning.

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