Thursday, January 10, 2013

Winter dreams-- catalog orders

It's catalog time again, and I got a bumper crop in the mail this year. I don't feel terribly guilty about the  paper used for all my catalogs, because I keep them for reference for a full year at least.

Here's a pic:

before I order  I inventory my left over seeds, sorting them by season:

Next I read over the catalogs I'm most likely to order from, and make a list of the seeds I want this year.
Then I head to the local discount stores that carry seed. Ocean State Job Lot has Burpee Seeds at 40% off, and by shopping early I make sure that nothing is sold out.

Here's what I got at Job Lot this year --annual flowers:

And vegetables:

I will go to Anne and Hope next, to see what seeds they have.  In past years they have had a good selection of specialty seeds, including European selections.

  Finally, I will order anything on my list  I can't find locally.  Seeds I buy locally are taxed, but with the discounts they all cost less than $1.50.

 My budget for this year is tight-- $50 total.  So far I've spent about $10 at Job Lot. Updates to follow!

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