Saturday, June 22, 2013

Peas, strawberries, and a young wanderer

It's feeling like summer in my kitchen garden, and I'm enjoying the long warm evenings.
I have heard other gardeners complain of the tedium of picking peas and beans, but I enjoy the treasure hunt through the foliage, and the triumph of a bowl full of peas ready to shell.  Though I must admit I like my purple and yellow beans because they are easy to find. But that's next month's harvest.
Right now it is all about peas, and I am happy that my varied trellis structures are holding up under the weight of a lot of vines-- here's the fullest one, with 'Alaska' :

'Miragreen' was planted a bit more thinly, and shares a bed with radishes I have let go to seed so I can harvest the spicy green pods:

I like to sit and watch a DVD  (I get them from the library) on my portable player while I shell -- recently I watched the 'Rosemary and Thyme' british mystery series about two middle aged professional gardeners.  I tend to sample as I shell, and my taste test confirmed that 'Miragreen' is a supersweet pea best eaten raw, while 'Alaska' is more of a traditionally mealy pea best  eaten cooked, preferably with potatoes and lots of butter!

I also have been picking strawberries -- my 20  'Seascape' plants have been producing about 2 cups of berries a day. While I was searching for strawberries yesterday, Sol starting bouncing around a spot on the lawn behind me. I went over to investigate and found a six inch long snapping turtle. Since it was too young to be looking for a place to lay eggs, I picked it up by the tail and took it to the pond across the road. The fierce little thing would have bitten me if I'd held it any other way.  Here it is-- so prehistoric!

And here's a look at the total harvest that day:

Next up for harvest: beans, early potatoes and blueberries.

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